
110 Products in 388 Versions
Wide Neck Bottles, Midium Neck Bottles, Narrow Neck Bottles, Droppers, Trigger Bottles, Closures
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The application of bottles is very big. They can be used for the storage of many products. Equal if fluid, very fine or rough medias, in bottles with corresponding sizes practically almost everything can be stored or transported. We want to describe a couple of bottle types we have in our catalogue.

Narrow Neck Bottles: for example the known PET Bottles with narow neck.

Medium Neck Bottles: The neck is a little wider than the neck from narrow neck bottles. They are preferably used in laboratories or industry.

Wide Neck Bottles: They have a special aperture and so they can be easily filled and filled material can simple be extracted. Preferably they are used for non fluid materials.

The cleaning of the wide neck bottles is especially simplified by the large aperture. Generally the bottles are used for packages, extractions, samples, storage and shippings of materials.