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Filling tools

Filling tools can be usual funnels made of plastic, aluminium or stainless steel, but also barrel tippers, drum racks, barrel pumps and filling guns of all types.

Barrel tippers are used for discharging and dosing plastic balloons which are used in the industry, workshops and laboratories. They are usually used for plastic balloons of 10 to 60 liters.

Filling guns are used to fill and refill various fluids like lubricating oils, diesel fuels, antifreeze agents and heating oils.Special funnels exist in various sizes, forms and materials. The most frequently used materials are plastic, aluminium, sheet metal and stainless steel.

You can find funnels with sieves, with dust baskets, with flexible outlets and funnels with flap lidsA different type of funnels are barrel funnels with or without cover. They can be directly mounted on the barrel.The barrel can now be filled easy and quickly.