Shield "BLANK ROUND" - diameter 380 mm - Material polypropylene - color white

Price incl. VAT
Delivery time 2 - 4 working days

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Item No.:
Product Description
  • ideal for warnings, cautions and Advertising
  • round, white sign for customizing
  • with mounting for screwing
Technical Data
  • Diameter - 380 mm
  • Material - polypropylene (PP)

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Search terms: warning sign, round, neutral, blank, individually, Shield, signage, danger sign, signs, warning signs, hinweisschilder, Danger signs, street sign, street signs, warning signs, signs, danger signs, Warning sign, Warning signs, Warning sign, warning signs, Hinweiß Shield, Hinweiß signs, Hinweiß shield, Hinweiß signs, Hazard Shield, Danger Signs, danger sign, danger signs, Temka