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Smoke resin remover low-foaming - solvent-free - phosphate-free - VOC-free - 20 L

Price incl. VAT
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Item No.:
Product Description
  • The low-foam smoke resin remover is mainly used for cleaning and maintaining construction and machine parts.
  • The main areas of application are the removal of stubborn dirt and deposits in filters, cooking systems, smokehouse or ovens.
  • The smoke resin remover is just as perfect for any machine cleaning where foam is a nuisance, for example in immersion or spray systems to remove the strongest smoke resin deposits.
  • The cleaner is used in the hot water parts washing machine or in the pipe and heat exchanger cleaning system.
  • The phosphate- and solvent-free cleaner removes heavy soiling from machines and components, such as smoke resin deposits, resinified fats, oils and protein residues.
  • An optimal cleaning performance is achieved in the temperature range around 60 ° C.
  • Using a plate-phase separator, introduced fats and oils can then be separated mechanically in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Depending on how dirty it is, the cleaner is used in concentrations of 1% to 5%.
  • Higher application concentrations are also possible.
Technical Data
  • Cleaner base - aqueous-alkaline
  • Material compatibility - steel, stainless steel, plastic, tiles
  • Check material compatibility - painted surfaces, rubber
  • Contamination - Abrasion and grinding dust, burnt-in organic contamination, grease, resin, tar, rubber residues, food, smoke, soot, oil, release agents
  • Uses - ultrasonic bath, manual, automatic parts washing machine
  • Concentrate - can be diluted
  • pH value - 14
  • VOC content - VOC free
  • Container size - 20 L plastic canister

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Search terms: Smoke Resin Remover, bio-circle, low-foaming, solvent-free, phosphate free, VOC-free, cleanser, aqueous-alkaline, Steel cleaning, Stainless steel cleaning, Plastic cleaning, Tile cleaning, concentrate, Cleaning concentrate, Ultrasonic bath, Ultrasound application, Parts washer